Originally Posted by flower
Hi a quick note about the program in Seattle. We are also researching the program. We attended SENG this year and they had a panel with a few kids from the early entrance program. They seemed pretty happy. They accepted less than half of the people who applied last year. They want the students in at least Pre-calculus when they enter. My DD13 is pretty jazzed about the idea and it is what prompted her taking a college course this year...Test the waters... So far so good. We would also have to move, but we would not move solely for her and it would not be a career change or employer change for my DH. So it could really work for us but we are not making any decisions at this time. I do encourage a trial run with a college class to see how she takes to it. Good luck!
Hey flower, just a quick note. Since the kids have to be under 15 to start this program, I assume that you are looking at next year as well. It sounds like our girls are close in age. Mine turned 13 about a month ago. Keep in touch if you wind up deciding to apply and I'll do the same. It would be nice to "know" someone if we wind up out there for a visit or if both kids actually do apply and get in!