Maybe this belongs in the college area, but since dd13 is in high school right now, I thought that I'd try it out here. Some of you may have followed my prior saga on how she isn't loving high school thus far. She's a freshman having skipped one grade a few years back. At this point, she's muddling through, has As in all of her subjects, and can more or less deal, but it really isn't a fit for her. I've researched the other options if this continues to be a poor fit as the year progresses and believe that I've ruled out switching to another local high school and online schooling.

The other local high schools, like her current school, seem to equate rigor with quantity. Online just doesn't look like something that is right for her. The local community college might be a possibility, but given that she just turned 13 about a month ago, she won't be able to drive for years and I do work pt out of the home making getting her there and back a challenge. The local uni is a little more flexible that they initially purported to be and might make an exception for an under 17 kid.

In any case, another option I've done some looking into is EEP/transition school @ the University of WA. It would require us to relocate the whole family, though. The director was very nice and helpful and dd does meet most of their entrance reqs. She'd need to retake the ACT this year and do a bit better on math, but she's there on everything else.

Has anyone had a kid do an early entrance college program? The real draw for dd of something like this is a peer group. She looked so wistful about the idea of having kids to work with on projects who are all as bright as her or moreso and who are motivated. Dd is not PG, but she is HG and unusually directed. She is, however, not a fast kid. She's very deep.