Originally Posted by PipersMom
1. I don't want her to get into the habit of rushing through and passing anyway, then think it's fine; and 2. I'd like her to get into the habit now of working carefully, hopefully down the road it's a skill she's going to need.

I hear ya. We've had good success with a task board for DD8, and I'm only half joking when I say we need a homework board that includes the following steps:
THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MOM'S MORALE IMPROVES (OK, that one's the joke, but DD would be amused.)

Mine can clearly do the work, but she never reads instructions, often pays no attention to the signs, and would rather spend 5 times as long doing the work in her head than have anything but the answer appear near an "easy" problem. She loses a ton of points for careless errors, because of those things.

I'd rather she come to an appreciation of those things on her own, so I'm letting her do her own thing for the moment. (And I remember when I was her age I did at least that poorly on homework, and I turned out OK and always show my work now!) But I'd go with a reward / incentive system, because those work well for her, if I felt strongly about it.