Wow, I'm very encouraged to hear this is "normal" in many ways. I am bracing for the fact that it may be an extended tween/teen phase that lasts a long time, or it may be a phase that will dry up and give me back my little girl for a season or two.

It seems extremely important to her to be this way. Being reminded that it is a phase helps me want to offer her more support.

When the DW took her to Justice for the first time and let her pick out some outfits, DD was genuinely grateful and huggy--and she's not the huggy type. It clearly means a lot to her.

On the upside, since moving DD to this more gifted-friendly school has she realized that smart might actually be cool too. I can picture her in a few weeks bringing Pride and Prejudice to recess to complement her new studded go-go boots.

Last edited by Pru; 09/13/11 10:02 AM.