We are just starting to see this with dd 5.5. She has gone from little girl to tween seemingly in a weekend. She is completely diffent to talk to, her humor has changed seemingly over night (though I know in reality we've seen bits of this change coming for months - it's more like it's just all come together). She's insisting on being much more independent and she's suddenly stopped being so freaked out by the things that made her anxious before (though again this has been coming over the last fee months). Fortunately we're talking tween, not teen here, but I was only thinking yesterday that I think we'll be dealing with early teen here too.

Ages ago I heard Miraca Gross talking about PG kids 'teen hood'. She said parents always say to her that they are at least glad it will be over earlier - to which she said she replies that that isn't what happens - they just stay teen longer (in a kind of asynchronous way - much as you're describing).

I'm hoping for any easy bit some time in this gifted parenting journey (even a short lived one) - do you think one will ever come ?! Just when you think you have things down it all ups and changes.

Good luck! Sorry I have no advice.

Last edited by Giftodd; 09/12/11 10:14 PM. Reason: Predictive text oddness.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke