Originally Posted by Nik
Then she promised to write for an hour a day from now til school starts.
I'm thinking about doing http://campnanowrimo.org/ for the month of August, and starting today to get a jumpstart. Since your daughter is planning to write daily, maybe she would be interested. The goal is 50,000 words in a month and they are very friendly about the idea that a first draft isn't the place for the 'inner critic' to be active.

I think that for some people, the 'inner critic' is more of a feeling of dread/panic than an actual voice, so it's harder to identify. For me the cycle is:
Dread - write - hear the inner critic's vocalization
As if the dread is to try to get me to avoid writing so that I won't have to suffer later when the inner critic starts ripping.

Of course if I'm writing because I believe I'm 'doing service' then I sidestep the whole process, because I'm not writing to be evaluated, but to give service by communicating something that is vitally important to me, and hopefully to the other person as well.

My plan for sidestepping the dread/critic cycle for campnanowrimo is to try and pretend that there is someone out there who feels very lonely, and that if I can share my mind fully enough, that they might read it and feel un-lonely. I'm quite good at pretending, so I think that might work. Well, we'll see.

Best Wishes,

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