When I was a teacher and parents asked me how to help develop their children's writing abilities at home, I always gave these four suggestions:
1) create a special writing corner http://teachingmybabytoread.blog.com/2011/02/28/creating-a-writing-corner/
2) make a personal dictionary
3) buy your child a journal
4) give them lots of stationary supplies including their own personalized address labels, as well as special pens

For an 18 year old? Geesh, that's a tough one. I only taught up to the 4th grade! But putting a positive spin on it with a nice fountain pen, a journal, and a special place to write could still be helpful. I would also try checking out the Well Trained Mind forum for ideas: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/index.php

Regarding dyslexia and dysgraphia, I've heard that All About Spelling can be helpful: http://teachingmybabytoread.blog.com/where-to-start/all-about-spelling-level-1/

There is also a program out there called "apples and pears" that is supposed to be good too.