I am in the process of reading The Mislabeled Child


and I am finding it VERY helpful. My DD is almost 9 and writing is her Waterloo. She is terrified of picking up a pencil. She also has ADHD, but something is just not clicking with her diagnoses thus far. She will be assessed in September to rule out/in dyslexia and dysgraphia (my nephew has severe dysgraphia). This book has great suggestions for accomodations and strategies for ADHD, gifted children and handwriting issues. I have had the book borrowed from the library for three months now and realized yesterday that I need to buy it... it just has too much information for me to remember all of it.

Last edited by kathleen'smum; 07/24/11 05:49 PM.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery