I'm not sure what I'd be classified as technically, but there were long periods in which I was left at grade level. After a couple of months of hell after starting in 1st grade, my parents wound up pulling me out of school at times because of the bullying, my growing frustration/depression, and the teacher's approval and sanctioning of the bullying for not fitting in right. When this would happen, my parents found ways for me to audit/take college courses, help with research, read widely on my own in addition or as an alternative to school.

This was pretty much a cycle until partway through middle school, when I found drugs/alcohol to help me survive going to school (boredom in classes, teachers who didn't want to help me, and students bullying me/beating me up). Not good at all. Ironically, this was when administrators saw me as a gifted student--4.0 and apathetic about not learning anything new--and gave me a token grade skip in math and science.

To contrast this, DC20 was okay at grade level (also pg, but 2E) once he switched to a school serving a large gifted population. Middle school and high school honors and AP courses, along with athletics and academic extracurriculars, really allowed him to thrive and enjoy school.

However, if there is a major problem (situations that could end in a kid wanting to harm themselves to fit in or learning that they never have to work to succeed), another school or skipping might be a good solution to consider.