Originally Posted by CFK
It really is almost meaningless to try to plan a child's academic progression based on what worked for another child with an arbitrary label of PG. All you can do is focus on your individual child and make the environment that he is in work to his advantage the best that you can.

I agree. It is all very dependent on the particular kid's unique situation. For my DS7, he needed a skip in our local school system, because it would have been too difficult to differentiate for him if he stayed with agemates. It turned out to be too difficult even with a skip, and we finally moved him to a school for HG kids. This is working much better (skip plus advanced class). We likely would have had to do another skip in our local school system if we had stayed, and we didn't want to.

I think the main issues for our kid in a non-GT school were the too-slow pace of learning and lack of intellectual peers. Even with a grade skip, these issues remained. He's only had half a year of the HG school, but that worked great so far. If the local school had even one other kid who was working at a similar pace, I think things would have been more workable.