I am new to this area of Profound giftedness. We have been reading and discussing a lot since DS' WSCI result came out.

The more I read, the more unsure I am about what to do next.
A lot of kids at his intellectual level have been accelerated at least one grade level, should I talk to school at the beginning of new school year about this? I am not even sure if I can convince myself... DS7 is not mature at all... His best friends are same age boys who are also super smart. He gets along with older boys, but maturity level is obviously not the same. I am afraid it won't be suitable socially even if school agrees to let him skip. ( yes, despite numerous studies reassuring grade skipping is a good thing academically and socially for kids, I am still not convinced)

Here is also the reality: our district has not allowed one single grade skip in maybe 10 years. Last year, the district tested a seven year old boy who is learning maybe 7th grade math with his dad. The result was no grade skipping,but a few more hours of enrichment classes.

But If I don't do anything, I feel like failing my child.