Originally Posted by Xiangbaobao
The school teacher keep telling me that he is just above the average and I was wrong to push him to the accelerated math program.
That was about exactly what we were told with our younger dd as well. She was above average but not gifted and it was going to be "interesting" for me having one highly gifted child and one who was "high" but not gifted. My youngest actually tested higher on IQ than her sister when she was tested in 2nd grade.

It is hard not to struggle with feeling like one of those pushy parents and it is easy to question oneself especially with a child who doesn't fit in the box of what seems obviously gifted (super high achieving child). My oldest is the stereotypical gifted kid who would take an idiot to overlook how advanced she is. I've come to realize, though, that not all gifted kids look like that and that not all kids who are great students are gifted.