Hi Xiangbaobao,

Welcome! Do apply to DS YS - if the Explore test is anywhere near as 'unusually strong' as the IQ it won't take long for the admissions committee to say 'yes.'

To find test prep books for Explore, or any other achievement test - go to Amazon.com (or your favorite bookstore site) and search
name of test "test prep" , in this example:

"explore test prep"

I checked, there are several - I've never seen any great difference between one test prep book and another.

As for GAI, I don't think it's going to be useful in your situation. Some kids have profiles like this:

VC 150
PR 147
WM 124
PS 70
FSIQ - huh?

It's hard for a family in that situation to show a school that their child has special educational needs without an 'IQ number' to throw around, so the GAI is helpful as an alternate IQ number in those situations.

If you were talking to that parent of that imaginary friend, it would be clear to you by observation that the child who is having such a great time with your kid is more similar than not your child, and that the overall picture of this imaginary child's IQ is 'a broad spread' - but inside the education system, you find more and more people who feel uncomfortable without a 'bottom line number.'

I hope that helps.

No significant disadvantage to taking the Explore before he's actually in 3rd grade, unless you happen to be in a school system where is going to learning 8th grade level material this year - which is statistically more rare than your son - I estimate.

How is school going for your son? Most of the gifted kids I've met are very lovable and fun, but many of them have been kind of stressful to parent. I'm hoping yours has been a relaxed, easygoing, good natured kind of kid, but if not, this forum is a pretty good place to get some ideas and reassurance as long as you keep anonymity in mind.

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com