Originally Posted by Xiangbaobao
LDmom, how did you prepare your kid for the achievement test like Explore.Is there any books or et that I can use?

Definitely check out the ACT website. But keep in mind that those sample questions were easier for my son (and I expect a bunch of other kids) than the actual Explore. We used an 8th grade test booklet (I did what Grinity suggests and searched Amazon). Had son take a few math and science samples there to familiarize him with the expectations and see if he was comfortable and could finish the tests on time. He did fine in the samples but he couldn't finish the math portion in the real Explore on time. However, his math result was just above the 3rd grade cutoff that DYS requires (phew) and he did well enough in the other subtests.

I'm so sorry your son is having a hard time in school. We homeschooled his PreK year and then I felt he would benefit from some social opps by attending private K. He was picked on by a teacher aide for being sloppy with cutting and gluing etc and made fun of in front of other kids. He didn't talk back or complain much to us and instead drew his misery into himself. He became a shadow of his usual self. We couldn't figure it out because there was no teacher communication with us despite my asking to talk to them and writing them notes everyday and slipping them into his homework binder. We were paying big$ too. So we took him out in a few weeks and the change was wonderful. He only told us what really happened 2 years later.

We have homeschooled for a total of 5 years now. I am able to give you some ideas if you have questions on that. Please feel free to Private Message me offlist. In case you're unsure how to do that, click on my user name and choose Send PM. When I reply, there will be a flashing envelope on your navigation bar to say there's a message waiting for you. Take care!

Last edited by LDmom; 07/12/11 09:38 AM. Reason: accuracy