
Thank for GAI explanation!

Unfortunately my child has not happy in his school starting from public Kindergarten. Being bored is the all-time complain. Even though his MAP score is very high, due to his relative low CogAT score and classroom observation, the school decides to exclude him from 3rd grade accelerated math program. Socially he is lonely and has no friend in the past school year in his classroom. He gets so frustrated because he really wants to have friends. Outside of the school we don�t see any social problem. So we talked with the teacher. She blames all the fault on my child being mean. We are very frustrated too because he doesn't do well enough in his classroom project either. I know that he is underachieved. We feel that he is not learning much at school because he seems to lose the interest. Being excluded from the gifted math is the trigger for us to have him tested. The IQ came out much higher than our expectation. We told the psychologist what is going on in his school. He believes that these are all due to fact that he is too bored. And he recommends that we shall put him in the gifted school because the public school just can't offer what he needs considering his high IQ. Sadly the public school even don't believe he is gifted. frown

We have been in the mud for years puzzling what is wrong with my child. Now the psychologist evaluation seems to be able to explain a lot of things that have happened on him. As we just step into this new world, we still don't know what is the best thing to do for him. How much shall we rely on the judgement from the psychologist or public school teachers?

Anyway, we really appreciated from all the comments from the parents here. Thanks a lot!
