Thanks for all of your response! Your comment truly makes my tears coming out.

There was a period of time when I literally felt helpless about what to do with him. The teachers said that he was mean to other kids. They said that he pretends himself at a higher intelligence level than his peers. Therefore it pushes other kids away and causes him having no friends. Sometimes they said that he doesn�t put forth his effort in his class work. Another time they said that he is lack of problem solving and critical thinking capability therefore he can�t be further challenged. At certain point, I almost lost faith in him and got confused myself. I was so bad to be very critical on him due to all these negative comments/complains from his school teachers. I had thought that Gold shall shine everywhere. If he doesn't shine, then he is not a Gold. As he doesn't shine in his class, I even doubted myself if he is gifted at all. The school teacher keep telling me that he is just above the average and I was wrong to push him to the accelerated math program. On one hand side, I know that he is smart based on how well he plays piano and how well he plays chess. And he doesn�t have social problem when he is with his competitive peers in chess and other activities outside of school. Until the psychologist�s evaluation came out are we able to connect all the dots and put the puzzle together. After the test I start read online to understand his difficulty, I start to realize that the child can NOT thrive if he is not in the right environment for him. I felt that I was so wrong for not understanding him and punishing him for every complain coming from school. A couple of nights ago I talked to him and told him that I am so sorry for what I have done due to inexperience in parenting him. I could not help myself from crying in front of him for all the guilt in my heart. He came over and hugged me. He said:� Mom, you don�t have to cry, you don�t!�