Master of none--
Yes, I thought of the Madeline book..."all the little girls cried boohoo, we want our appendix out too!"

Also, her big sister had one of the leads in the school play Friday night, and got lots of positive feedback and attention for that. I think it was the perfect storm!

Your last two paragraphs are right on...I am trying to do those things but often feel like it doesn't always come out so well. In a recent thread another poster's young child said she felt lonely because she wasn't doing the same work as other children and it was isolating.

Even when she was three she told dd10 while looking at the American Girl catalog that Addie was ugly because she had dark skin. Dd10 said something about differences make us beautiful, etc. etc. and dd4 said "I don't want to be different, I want to be the same."

Clearly we have to move!