Originally Posted by deacongirl
And while about half of the bedtime conversation last night was sincere, if you've seen that new book "Go the F$%& to Sleep" you get the rest, lol!

I busted out laughing when I saw that, yeah, I get it!!! My dh had mentioned that book to me, and really the title says it all laugh

I was gonna maybe suggest something like Girl Scouts being a good fit for a kid who is looking to fit in (somewhat) -- it's one of the places dd5 seems to really fit, she even dressed totally girly the other day for a camp-day event (we drove there with her in boy clothes and after inspecting the situation, she called for her change of clothes, so that was nice to see.) But they are NOT into conformity at all, which is why it is a great place to fit! Hope you find some experience like that where she will see more girls like herself, although I know it sounds like it will be hard to find in your area...

Last edited by chris1234; 05/23/11 09:47 AM. Reason: still getting used to writing dd'5'