Originally Posted by E Mama
- Schedule your day so that your daughter knows that at x time(s) she will need to occupy herself in her room or other quiet space. ...I would actually do this twice a day. Over time it will help and it will also give her skills she actually needs . It is not realistic to allow a child to talk all day, non-stop,and interrupt (even when it is their nature). These "me times" can be short, but you will see an improvement and her ability to occupy herself will increase.
E Mama! Where were you 12 years ago! I really needed to hear this from someone who wasn't judging me, or acting like it was an easy thing to do, or who really understood how much it was my DS's nature.

BTW - I am also constantly humming (when I'm not posting here - LOL!) during the workday. People smile and say that they know I'm coming. It is a little like echo location in Bats for me. Plus it gets me in that 'get up and get it done' mood even when I don't feel like it. Yeah, I bring in a lot of baked goods, 'cause I'm so grateful for the IRL people who interact with me all day long.


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