Well, that's exactly how my FOUR kids act! Imagine them all singing/humming/talking at once! I've found the key to having them act 'normal' is to tire them out. They're all in sports (swimming, basketball, baseball, soccer), but when there's no sport or they're more hyped than usual, I have them run around in circles for a while. It usually calms them down enough to focus for a while. Also, chewing gum seems to help a lot. I read an article somewhere about a study with high school kids, how it helped them concentrate. Now, I distribute sugarless gum along with school books and pencils (we homeschool). The gum has the double effect of helping them focus and keeping them quiet. Meditation helped me a lot with my oldest, but now I can't get the four of them to relax at the same time. You may be able to get your daughter to, though. I hope some of these ideas help you.

Wisdom begins with wonder. – Socrates