What would you all suggest as first movies for a 5y who hasn't watched many at all and found Monsters, Inc and the Incredibles very scary, so much so that he chose to stop watching? I did try to talk through the Incredibles a bit with him before he wanted to stop, as in "this is a movie for children and the story is about this family, so nothing bad will happen to them, even though it seems scary". My feeling about the Incredibles is that it's fairly violent! I worry alot about him having images stuck in his head, and maybe that's a bias from knowing some people who are plagued by very vivid and horrifying nightmares, and may not be relevant to how DS's brain works.

While I'm ok with having him be an outlier at the momemt with regard to TV/movie experience, I don't think it's a good idea for DS to be the only 6 or 7 year old (in 1-2 years) who hasn't watch the movies everyone in his class will have watched. I don't want him to be poorly socially equipped for cultural references, conversation. Sorry for the stream of conciousness, would appreciate any more thoughts on this!