I'm looking for others' experience on how you balance information discussed with your sensitive kids. When I say DS6 is sensitive, I mean he is empathetic, concerned about the plights of others, and spiritually questing for his beliefs (we are not a religious family, so this has been interesting). He's not sensitive in terms of being easily upset or taking things people say to him personally. His sensitivity is focused outward toward others and the universe.

We struggle sometimes with the information he requests from us about current news events, deaths of friends and family members, the situations of those less fortunate. He's extremely analytical and logical, he requires details, and we often end up in discussions most would expect to have with their teenager, not a 6yo - I know parents on this forum can relate. We try to share as much detail as he requests at a particular time, but not more; although we don't always get it right. He processes over a period of days, weeks, or months, and asks questions as he's ready or needs more.

Yesterday, Bin Laden's death was a discussion topic with him. We tried to keep the details at the right level for the information he wanted, and for what he could handle emotionally. I worry though that learning about this is too heavy for him - things that roll off most kids' backs, he thinks about on and off for long periods of time. But I also can't pretend that world events don't happen either, and I can't keep my kid shielded from the current events around us. I don't want to. And he wants to know about them. So where does that balance lie? What do others on this forum do to talk to their sensitive children about difficult subjects like this?

Last edited by Coll; 05/03/11 09:13 AM.