I don't plan to shield her from current events forever, for goodness' sakes. But...she is 7, and has been known to cry in her bed and shake because she's so terrified of tornadoes *just generally.* I am not going to expose her to media coverage of recent and terrible tornado destruction.

A lot of this is part of asynchronicity, IMO, and trying to wish it or "expose" it away doesn't sit so well with me personally. I don't know. I am also sensitive myself. NPR can and often does make me cry, and I can't watch senselessly violent movies or TV, though I certainly do watch and read other distressing content that has redeeming value. I would never change this about myself. Truthfully, I want my children to be distressed by war and cruelty. It's distressing. But at this age I am also going to be careful not to completely overwhelm them.

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/05/11 07:00 AM.