Hi All- I'm totally flummoxed. My DS9 had an eval about 6 weeks ago for LD, etc. Psych hadn't received the report from his teacher but told me that he didn't see Asperger's or LD. He just saw an anxious, depressed HG kid. We discussed at length homeschooling as being a great alternative. I received the written report yesterday, and it was completely different. He diagnosed mild PDD-NOS and possible dysgraphia. The report said that the teacher eval coincided with behaviors that the tester observed as well, but that we don't see at home near as much. He recommended special services as well as continuing in the gifted classroom, with access to online math for further acceleration. Well, I have him home now. He is MUCH better but about once a week there is an off day, very rigid and needs lots of easy handling to talk him through. My concern is- Did I pull him away from services that he needs? Can I do them at home? I felt comfortable taking on the ability to teach him but I don't know about the special ed teacher role. Although, since he's better now at home, I'm probably on the right path. Thanks everyone-