Originally Posted by master of none
Ok, my ds10 does this ALL the time and his only diagnoses are anxiety and dysgraphia. Talking about things totally unrelated to a crisis. He will get frustrated that nobody is listening, and all it takes is for me to say, "you could help here so we can listen to you sooner" and he starts pitching in. It's like there's some sort of disconnect. Or is it normal child.

DS5 does this with other things too. I remember mentioning this before and lots of other people's kids did the same thing. The "spill reaction" (or lack of reaction) is classic...something will spill and he will say "oh no, I spilled it" without reacting to pick it up. Or he used to just stare at it spilling. He is getting better with this thankfully but it drives us nuts. I don't see a future as an EMT or something that requires quick movement : )

Originally Posted by master of none
Nobody has ever suggested anything on the spectrum for him. Though I think he has something whose label hasn't yet been dreamed up.

I am still waiting for "unique syndrome" or "quirky disorder" to become labels. There couldn't be actual criteria though because everyone is so different : )