Hi! About the PDD-NOS, I have to say that I am not a fan of that lable because it really doesn't tell you much...and especially Mild PDD-NOS, I would suspect that many HG+ would appear to have that. Not sure if they shared with you what that diagnosis means (hopefully they gave you some information) but basically it means that they met some of the criteria for a PDD (such as autism or aspergers) but that he did not fully meet the criteria in order to diagnose him. And then to add the word mild in front of it would mean he meets even less of the criteria. I was a clinical social worker (now school social worker) for years and I did diagnose PDD-NOS at times, but not often. I saw some quirky behaviors and some socialization issues, but I think that often comes along with the territory of HG/PG kids. I certainly have a quirky PG kid that I suppose may meet the criteria for mild PDD-NOS in some ways. It's hard to say as I haven't met your DS at all. If you are questioning it you may want a second opinion with someone who is familiar with HG kids.

I give you much credit for starting the homeschooling! I know that homeschooling works great for lots of kids and wish you the best. And if you give it time and it is not working out, you can always change your mind. It sounds like the school is being supportive which is great. I don't think that schools would support a child with PDD-NOS any better than you could on the teaching end. And I am glad that you are noticing some positive changes in him! Good luck!