Sorry to be asking this oft-asked question - but I have a fairly picky reader here.
DS8 is reading around 5-6 gr. level at least.

He will need to read 20 minutes a night this school year, so we will need lots of books which pique his interest.

Currently his interest is in books with no words, or very very few. Ex: Tribal Warfare (a graphic novel about dinosaurs, who of course did not speak english anyway). They went to the library at school and he picked out a book called 'robot dreams', very minimal words and some I Spy books. These are cool books, but I am pretty sure the assignment to read includes reading 'words'.

Here's what we did last night - went through almost all the various bookshelves, me suggesting, him rejecting almost everything: magician's nephew, books on space, books on chipmunks, velveteen rabbit, magic tree house, eragon, rocket boys, time warp trio, etc.
We finally landed on a book which his DGran gave him a while back - the story of Beowulf retold, with gorgeous and somewhat scary illustrations. I think it was published about when that movie came out.
I know he mentioned liking a book on Greek myths last year, so I am leaning towards looking into more of this type.
Any suggestions in that vein, or other veins which might suit would be greatly appreciated!!