DS8 just read a book that he could not put down. It is one of the first times that I have heard peels of laughter and cackles of evil joy coming from his room as he read. I can't say that I have read it yet, because as soon as my son finished it, my DH snatched to book up. So I am recommending a book sight unseen, which makes me a little bit nervous... but here goes:

Simon Bloom, The Gravity Keeper by Michael Reisman


It is for any young boy who loves science... particularly physics!! DS excitedly jabbered on and on about how one of the good characters would use gravity to bend space in order to get out of trouble or stop the evil character from doing something dastardly. Another time the hero (an 11-year-old boy) manipulated the space/time continuum to send the evil adult villain back in time so that she became a harmless little girl.

I don't know what reading level it is? 5th through 7th maybe? It has almost 300 pages in it, and DS soared through it solo in about 3 days. I'll try to read it this week sometime and report back.

Mom to DS12 and DD3