Mission Impossible to the library went pretty well on Saturday! I really wanted to post back to add to the category of well illustrated, myth and poetry-infused books:


Does 'mythological' apply to monsters? I am not sure, but this book is the first one DS8 grabbed from the pile and after he read it in sheer delight, he said 'You should really read this it is sooooo funny', so I dutifully picked it up.
It is hilarious.
These are all poems about various monsters having modern day dilemmas - the writing is great and funny funny funny. The illustrations are so brilliant too, with visual puns and little writings here and there!

We also got another book of poems by Jack Prelutsky ('a Pizza the size of the Sun') which ds has also been enjoying. And some books on Norse and Greek myths. I am holding off on some of the other suggestions to give ds more options later in the year.
Thanks again everyone!!