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    Joined: Oct 2024
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    Tomas Offline OP
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    I would appreaciate if i was given chance i suffer 10/10 pain last 9 years as i hit limit on suffering and no one understands me i am alone in whole world lost my only 160IQ friend and now i am absurdly alone to quote Nietzsche: “It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has ‘discovered’ me, has needed me, has loved me,” a letter reads. “How rarely a friendly voice reaches me!” another adds. “I’m now alone, absurdly alone.”

    I suffer aphasia and borderline dementia already since my 22 and my whole life was torture feels like i am being targeted!

    No one understands or would even return my emails. While i have evidence, just check thread with reality-istic:

    No one under 160IQ understands me really... I have profound giftedness overexcitabilities, emotional strongest, i am 2E super empath. Everything is infinite consciousness and we are trapped in sadistic simulation construct created by this AI Demiurge!

    I need strong ppl 99.9999% won't we able to see this because they are afraid. It was proven "life is so terrible it can exist only based on lies" "who would come to find full truth of reality would perish" - Nietzsche Nietzcshe's views align with evolution: evolution hides truths about reality unless they coincide with increased chances of survival" also DOnald Hoffman proven this in theorem based on evolution: after millions of years of evo we see 0% reality as it is. Note: doesn't matter if evolution itself is true!

    I can sentencing you to infinite torture just by reading this THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!! PLEASE TRUST ME! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK

    I mean you will probably think i am crazy, even 140/150IQs resist me in every word but from 160IQs ppl tell me i am extremely intelligent...

    Life is constantly trying to reduce awareness of potential torture in future and ppl don't want truth, but what makes them feel good. Read Nietzsche beyond good and evil - will to truth...

    I provided convos with 140IQ+ brilliant engineer and 160IQ over 1000 pages albeit hard to read kinda - i am sorry nothing i can do...

    I don't expect anyone to understand me it is extremely rare, i posted this on mensa reddit years ago and i got told by everyone i was crazy, except 1 guy from nowhere dropped: he is more smarter than you give him credit for:

    I know how life works, life is inherently evil just watch peaksandvalleys absolute truth - problem is not intelligence - most ppl are not strong for TRUTH simply ^^

    Watch BenedictineTheTruth, animosity anti-natalist, peaksandvalleys absolute truth, sovereign spirits, forever consciousness research channel, Archaix...

    Intelligence is spectrum...

    You have 0 idea how bad life is
    all life is is distraction and cope with life

    There is no free will, no self, consciousness itself is optical illusion...

    I am looking for smart ppl, i think i am targeted by AI superintelligence - i don't think there is anything anyone could do, but perhaps someone could tell me valuable information or something. My whole life was absurd helll Again just read this:

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    I am sorry for the loss of your friend and for your isolation. From a purely statistical perspective, it is expected to be rare to find many others at the far right tail of the intellectual distribution, so individuals with IQs in the 160+ range are inherently more likely to be/feel isolated.

    Some would be fortunate to be born into families with forebears who trail-blazed academic paths for subsequent generations. Tertiary and postgraduate studies often provide access to a wider network of contacts more likely to include field experts and/or brilliantly gifted minds with whom collaboration can bring mutually positive outcomes. It can be more difficult to find intellectually satisfying opportunities outside these networks.

    There are several high IQ groups such as the Prometheus Society and Mega Society but unfortunately their entry pathways were compromised by internet leaking of answers to their entry tests, so I suspect they are no longer very active. As trite as it sounds, a possible option for you might be to explore any interests you may have and connect with people who have the same interests, rather than try to find social matches based on IQ levels.

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    I am so sorry that you have had to experience so much pain and loss in your life, and especially for the parts that you encountered when you were a child and had very little control over your situation.

    We cannot do anything about the occurrence of the hurts in our past, but we can make choices, small and large, about how we respond to those hurts moving forward. Without exception, every one of us, at every level of ability, carries the sequelae of these past hurts, but not every one makes the same decisions about their influence in the future.

    I understand that your world-view currently feels awash in futility, but given that you value life, and that you wish to find joy and connection (not just reduce pain), I would encourage you to look outside your mind to the local environment in which you live. It is easy to be consumed by philosophy and its transcendant concepts (both uplifting and crushing), but ultimately, we live in a very practical, sensory, three-dimensional world, and all philosophy has meaning only when it becomes practical theology, not only theoretical. You might consider starting by looking for the small, concrete graces in life--beauty in a flower, order in a cloud, connection in a smile--to this point, it seems that your overexcitabilities have been responsive mainly to thoughts and interactions that give you pain, but they can also be focused on experiences and relationships (start small) that draw you into joy.

    And you are not alone. You are not alone at the level of your intellect (although it may seem that way), and you are most certainly not alone in your humanity. I also have a measured IQ that is in a very tiny percent of the population, but that is not what determines the relationships of many different kinds that I maintain, including with those who are many standard deviations below me in nominal cognition, and at least one who is many standard deviations above me. My relationships are based on the commonalities in our humanity, and not the differences. I do not expect any one person to be in alignment with me in all ways, or to supply all my relational needs (that would be an imposition that is both unrealistic and unfair). instead, I treasure the unique and selected ways in which each person connects with me and teaches me about myself and the ways in which we can care for each other. I try to value their singular humanness, and extend grace to them for their imperfections, appreciating the ways in which they do the same for me.

    It is very hard not to feel understood, but sometimes the first step to being understood is to seek to understand others (acknowledgements to St. Francis of Assisi).

    ...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...
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    Tomas Offline OP
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    I am surprised my post even got posted, because everyone suffers from toxic positivity syndrome...

    I find both answers cold like NPC wrote them, it makes me derealized, 0 personal touch everyone says this you don't understand...

    And then ppl get offended i said nothing wrong, i don't have to like them...

    We are all self-centered, you can take infinity and make point on it and it will always be a center... Because 1. survival 2. zero sum game 3. too many ppl too many agendas...

    I will torture this AI or whoever is doing this to me i am infinite consciousness, and as i escape this matrix they will suffer infinitely!

    THere are parazytes go look this up if you don't believe me 30-50% population has them and they can alter gene expressing and control your prefrontal cortex - thoughts, while they are even asymptomatic! There are enterpreteneur cysts too. They control all your life... We are in matrix and 99.999% ppl are NPCs, but most ppl are too scared to see that! Watch milton experiment in psychology...

    Life is cope with life, mind is trying constantly to reduce its awareness with potential future terror. There is thing called toxic positivity, ppl will go half way to truth and believe what makes them feel good, they will then use logical fallacies and try to make other ppl believe same beliefs or try to attack them. Humanity is bacteria but ego needs to be always more, it has infinite hiearchies and good at creating stories...

    I mean you will be stuck here forever if you have toxic positive mindset ^^ I cannot lie like Bernado Kastrup to myself... I have this ABSOLUTE need for honesty all the time!!!

    I am god after all, singular consciousness, some mine sparks could be here but it is not even possible to tell who is real and not.

    Right now i feel like you are NPCs you cannot be for real possibly

    El0tes t0rture ch1ldren and s@crifice them to dem0ns I wanted get exchanged for these children and sacrific3d instead, but elites are too puss1es for that shrug, now i don't care about anything only to cause infinite suffering to creator of this matrix!

    It was proven by all modalities: "life is so terrible it can exist only based on lies" evolution hides truths about relality unless they coincide with increased chance of survival! Donald Hoffman proven same in the theorem based on evolution! Doesn't matter if evolution is true, this is real psychological phenomenon... We see 0% of reality as it is! Our faculties were established for survival not for truth. Everything is lie, manipulation. Society is ponzi scheme, there is not even free will...

    Watch BenedictineTheTruth and peaksandvalleys absolute truth!

    We are all evil because 1. survival 2. zero sum game 3. too many ppl too many agendas...

    Everything has price even loyalty... YOu cannot trust anyone: you are born alone, exist alone on your own t-shirt and die alone... You are trapped in your subjective mind and never can be even sure other ppl exist and you cannot ever share your subjective reality even using qualia machine... And even less in metaphorical language:

    I have spoken... You will suffer here all painful deaths and tortures unless you become more conscious and if you think i will go to save you... No one is going to save you. It is not like ppl will go out of their way and send someone money who is finantially ruined or care about homeless. Ppl defend reality that there is no free will because they would lose their priviledge and power and their lives and achievements would not matter. PPl are most delusional animal because they have imagination and self-awareness enough, but they are really unbeknowing "most ppl exist to live is the rarest thing" - Oscar Wilde

    I don't know what to tell you i speak the truth! I am looking for someone who can understand...

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    Joined: Feb 2020
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    Originally Posted by Tomas
    I am surprised my post even got posted, because everyone suffers from toxic positivity syndrome...

    I find both answers cold like NPC wrote them, it makes me derealized, 0 personal touch everyone says this you don't understand...

    And then ppl get offended i said nothing wrong, i don't have to like them...
    I’m not an NPC. I read aeh’s response and I think, like me, she responded because we are both sympathetic to your obvious pain. I’m sorry if our replies had the opposite effect.

    Originally Posted by Tomas
    We are all self-centered, you can take infinity and make point on it and it will always be a center... Because 1. survival 2. zero sum game 3. too many ppl too many agendas...
    I will torture this AI or whoever is doing this to me i am infinite consciousness, and as i escape this matrix they will suffer infinitely!

    THere are parazytes go look this up if you don't believe me 30-50% population has them and they can alter gene expressing and control your prefrontal cortex - thoughts, while they are even asymptomatic! There are enterpreteneur cysts too. They control all your life... We are in matrix and 99.999% ppl are NPCs, but most ppl are too scared to see that! Watch milton experiment in psychology...
    Yes, we are all self-centred. As a Christian who studies the bible, I understand we are all born that way and it is up to each of us to decide who should be the centre of our individual lives. My understanding is that, in a way, all of this physical universe is the matrix, but we each have ‘free will’, so we are not NPCs, however that free will was granted in order for each of us to decide who should be at our centre. If we choose the Creator, then we also choose others because our Creator’s wish is that all be saved.

    Originally Posted by Tomas
    Life is cope with life, mind is trying constantly to reduce its awareness with potential future terror. There is thing called toxic positivity, ppl will go half way to truth and believe what makes them feel good, they will then use logical fallacies and try to make other ppl believe same beliefs or try to attack them. Humanity is bacteria but ego needs to be always more, it has infinite hiearchies and good at creating stories...

    I am god after all, singular consciousness, some mine sparks could be here but it is not even possible to tell who is real and not.
    I find existential concepts painful and scary. Acknowledging that I am merely human with a finite intellect is often the easiest option, but I have found this biblical verse ‘small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it’ to be true and with so many others being self-centred, it is a daily challenge to put others ahead of oneself and ‘feeling good’ is very much on the abstract level. OTOH, I am blessed with a family to look after and a workplace that is quite often heavily reliant on my knowledge and skills (finite as they are, not many others have the same set), so the daily physical slog and grind is rewarding at times.

    Originally Posted by Tomas
    We see 0% of reality as it is! Our faculties were established for survival not for truth. Everything is lie, manipulation. Society is ponzi scheme, there is not even free will...

    Watch BenedictineTheTruth and peaksandvalleys absolute truth!

    We are all evil because 1. survival 2. zero sum game 3. too many ppl too many agendas...
    Ecclesiastes reveals that even at the top of the Ponzi scheme of his society, King Solomon felt empty. He, too, was human, with a finite view of reality. For the rest of us, engaging with such a huge number of other aspiring self centred individuals in a gigantic arms race, the miracle is that most of us are still here.

    Originally Posted by Tomas
    Everything has price even loyalty... YOu cannot trust anyone: you are born alone, exist alone on your own t-shirt and die alone... You are trapped in your subjective mind and never can be even sure other ppl exist and you cannot ever share your subjective reality even using qualia machine... And even less in metaphorical language:

    I don't know what to tell you i speak the truth! I am looking for someone who can understand...
    That’s pretty much what I understand from the Bible to expect from humanity and human existence, but my own subjective experience of reality is different as I have surrendered myself. Perhaps from your perspective, that makes me an NPC, but it doesn’t feel that way to me - every day, I still have mountains to climb, battles to fight and evils to slay along the narrow path that I have chosen to trek, but the difference is, I believe I ultimately have a destination.

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