Did you wind up applying? It is a bummer when your gender or race make programs like this less likely
I have to thank you for posting about this either way. I checked the link and found that there was one about an hour away from us as well. While we don't currently meet guidelines for Free lunch, my kids did last year and our income is somewhat unstable due to dh's work being erratic and sometimes seasonal. Dd is also a girl and we live in a really white part of the country so their likely aren't a ton of minority students applying for our local EMBHSSC.
In any case, we just got word that dd10 got in for this summer. I'm really excited for her! Like others have said, it seems like most of the summer programs are only available if you are destitute or rather wealthy. I'd love to send dd12 to the Duke Marine Lab, for instance, and her ACT scores will get her into their longer/higher level program, but it is thousands of dollars plus transportation. Oh well, we'll see if we can find a way to cross that bridge someday! In the meantime, this is super exciting for dd10.
She's actually having a great couple of days. She just found out yesterday that she won a regional writing contest on "why my grandparent is the best in the U.S.A." She's insisting that she'd much prefer her $75 winnings in cash vs. a savings bond (the kid isn't very patient!), though!
I'm sorry if I'm being overly excited and hope that you all found something that isn't outrageously priced for summer and the kids!