Does your family play any 'Cranium' type games at the house?
We don't play any 'Cranium" type games. Your previous suggestion of "That's So Wrong..." went over really well with both DC, although DH didn't exactly see it as time well-spent.
It seems to me that if the school can differentiate language arts and you can 'hothouse' the brainstorming then things will be ok for a while.
Hadn't really thought about being able to hothouse brainstorming.... Interesting.....
What goes on between the '2gs' - both boys, right? Are they playmates? hatemates? much teasing? is #2 in awe of #1? Do they choose different interests and keep their distance? Do they compete?
Both boys -- 2 years apart.
They definitely are playmates.
DS7 definitely believes he's intellectually and athletically and artistically and.... inferior to DS9.

They have very similar interests. In fact, for the longest time, I couldn't come up with b'day/Xmas gift ideas for DS7, because he just went along with whatever DS9 was doing and had no particular passions of his own. To some extent, that's still true. DS9 definitely rules the fraternal roost.
They are quite competitive with each other, and it's difficult for DS7 to keep up with his HG+ brother who's also got 2 years on him.
Tell me his interests and see I can come up with some fun ways to hothouse brainstorming/idea generation.
Love and More Love,
He likes animals, baseball, Harry Potter, flowers, plants, fact books, video games (if we had any)....
It's odd with him, because it's not just original ideas he has trouble with. If I ask him what he did in Science today, he'll tell me he can't remember. If I tell him to just think about it for a while so we can talk about it later. It takes him somewhere between 3-20 minutes to remember and then can tell me in detail....
Feel free to PM me a bill, Dr. Grinity!