Katelyn'sM om- I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! Ours had cancer in the exact same place and my parents chose to remove her eye. We eventually had to put her down awhile after that but my parents really appreciated the little time they had left with her after her surgery. We also had to give up our cat recently due to DH's severe allergies (only showed up a couple years after getting the cat but they put him in the hospital multiple times), it's been really, really hard on DD and she still asks about her often.
I guess I'll be joining everyone here in about a week or so. We finally visited DD's school (we decided on a Montessori school) and they really emphasized how much they would work at DD's pace. After visiting the school we think socially-emotionally she probably won't be ready for the 3-6 classroom until she actually reaches the age but they did say they would bring materials to her room at her level. We're mostly worried about stuff like puzzles/math things since she's just been whipping through all the puzzles we've given her (we just bought her a 30 piece one for the first time yesterday and she already did it with a smidgen of help on her first try!). We have a 60 piece one coming in the mail so hopefully we'll find something challenging for her then! I'm not sure financially how we can't keep buying these, though!
Our other concern is language related since the school will be in her second language and we really thought she'd be picking it up more quickly than she has been once we moved here. She seems REALLY stuck on English and even though she can speak quite well in her second language (and her grammar is actually better than English) mostly she still speaks in just English regardless of what language she is spoken to in (surprising since no one here besides DH and myself speak both languages). The in-laws keep joking that it's her mission to teach everyone English here! I'm sure she'll pick it up eventually but I'm expecting some rough patches in between because she can be pretty stubborn if she wants to be. Then again she will no longer have her two favorite free translators with her so it might put more pressure on her to speak more.
Otherwise we're excited about the school. It has an absolutely gorgeous campus and we love that they work on more than just academics (DD seriously won't be hurt by having to pick up after herself there). The school has a video that we were able to show to DD and she kept asking to go to school and when could she start.