I think you might have to get into the terrapin and see what's up, when a kid is not learning something, or liking something, it can be a real learning experience for teachers and parents to get to the bottom of things. (especially gt kids who seem to absorb so much so easily). In other words, you might get some very valuable info about your ds' learning style/preferences.
Programming, even a basic program like logo, takes a good amount of spatial skills, and abstract thinking.
It is a subject where, if you miss one of the 'ah ha' moments that the teacher walks you through, the whole train could be off the track.
Can you get the curriculum/handouts/etc. from the teacher, and go back over by yourself or with you ds? Can you get a trial of the software at the house?
Perhaps the interface is overwhelming (tons of buttons / tabs)? Maybe some practice at home will have him more comfortable.
What reason does he give for not liking it? Good luck!