First, thank you so very much for all your feedback. I'm very thankful there is a forum like this.
His 131 score doesn't allow him to enter the special gifted school lottery. And with less than wonderful results this year from our current school that we can barely afford, we're looking at other options.
DS was recovering from Strep when taking the test and Dr. was rushing out the door to another appt. after the test...although, I don't think that accounted for such a change. He is probably somewhere in between the two scores. The Dr. said that test for 8 yr. olds is just that much less forgiving than for 5 yr.olds. With all that said, we (DH, I, and Dr.) decided to try another test (WISC?) next week. It will statify our minds at the very least. I'm not overly concerned about "the number", but realize it helps when trying to get accomodations.
Whatever the outcome, we will do all we can to be sure he gets an education that supports him intellectually and emotionally

No need to rush him through any curriculum, just want him to be an environment that's right for him (a really smart, kinda lazy kid...but that's another post!