Originally Posted by kaibab
NCmom -- However, this is so common and so many kids score so ridiculously high on the SBV at 4 or 5 years old that I wonder whether the norms for the younger ages are just a bit off. I'm much more impressed with a 140+ score for a kid at 8 than I am for a 150+ score for a kid at 4 or 5.

I think it is a bit of a myth that there are "many kids" who are 4 or 5 and scoring 150 plus on SB5. My dd was tested by one of the best known testers of gifted kids in the US, she only uses SB5 for IQ testing and she had at that time, precisely 2 kids score in the 150s on SB5. My dd did scored in the 150s on SB5 at 5 and whilst I am no testing expert, the score seems to fit the kid that I deal with.

Back to the OP, I think you need to decide what score feels right to you. Was your DC having a good day? Did he rush the test? What did the tester say?