There has been a lot of discussion recently about grade skips. I thought I would share that dd is moving up to 4th after winter break as a trial until spring break. She will have the same teacher that she had for math last year as I think it is going to be a good fit. She will be able to keep her more accelerated math and reading groups, as well as continue taking gym class with 3rd grade and independent study for keyboarding. Since gym skills and handwriting as problem areas for her, I'm thrilled the school is being so flexible. Its taken over 2 years of advocacy to get to this point - her school doesn't really have a history of skipping students.
DD is excited about her new plan but wishes she could bring her friends with her. She is going to tell her 3rd grade friends at school today with her teacher. The school really want dd to be the one to tell her 3rd grade class. Hopefully, it went over okay at school and there will be smiles when she gets off the bus.
Thanks again to everyone!