Everyone in our families from the oldest to the youngest has a stocking and gets secret little treasures.
We always talked about the wonder and magic of St. Nicolas (Santa Claus.) Our family traditions involve a lot more Reason for the Season activities than the Jolly Red Elf but we have fun with both

At 4, DS (now 11) wanted to believe but also wanted to participate in all parts of our celebration including finding the stocking gifts for others. He also had issues with the Toys for Tots collections and figured that if Santa was real, he wasn't very nice if he gave more to kids who had families that could afford their own gifts and less to those who needed help. So that lead us into the transition from a Real Jolly Red Elf to the magic of Santa and how for the season we all can show some of the spirit and have some of the fun. It also helped that we talked about how everyone should enjoy the Season the way they want to. If they want Santa to be Real then that is just fine. If they don't want to believe at all that is also fine. Everyone can participate in the way they feel comfortable. DS never looked at it as we had lied to him about Santa or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy for that matter

It was more as he gets older the way he participates in the Season changes and grows. Before, he had the easy part. Santa did all the work. Now he appreciates the time taken to make or buy something that took thought and care about the person getting it. His eyes light up when someone opens one of his treasure selections and can't figure out who was "santa" for it.
Hopefully, all will be well, and I wish everyone the best of the Season no matter what you celebrate