Asynchronous holidays, how I dread thee!
DD is 8.5 and still really believes in Santa - and the tooth fairy. I do wish that she had outgrown it before this year, or had transitioned to willing herself to believe. I think this year, she is going to end up disappointed.
She just changed her Christmas wish list and now she wants a wii. Unfortunately, I have already shopped for her and spending more isn't an option right now and I can't return what I already bought. I know that disappointment is a normal part of growing up, but this time I wish I could give her what she wants.
I did put the idea in her head that now that she is transitioning from being an only child to having a sibling AND from being the only granddaughter to being one of four that there might be less presents this year. She told me that she had already considered that and answered that she knew Santa would bring the wii because she had been especially good this year.
When school goes back in Jan, dd is going to bump up a grade on a trial basis. And while I don't think she should be rewarded or bribed for this, I'd love for her to have one more magical, little girl Christmas.