I'm sleeping quite well these days, until I'm up at 3:00 worrying about curriculum! I'm enjoying the planning and layers of enrichment....
Okay, so I'm not the only one! This is truly my biggest problem with homeschooling my child; I don't get in bed on time
EVER! I'm one of those people who does best with 8 - 8 1/2 hours of sleep each night. I think I've probably averaged about 6-1/2 for the past year or so.
I think, too, that we're still figuring things out with my ds, so there is still some adjusting and trying-on-for-size that is going on. I hope this will cease by the end of this year, though I fear that when I have to come up with a new curriculum next year, I will be back in the same boat.
What I have truly found most difficult -->
stressful <--- has been trying to stay with him as he makes the leaps. We've schooled for 11-12 months now. In that time I've gone from trying to do Kindergarten work with him (before I had a clue about his needs), to first grade work, and now to second grade work. Since we started this last session, I've not had to do any major tweaking. I
hope that we'll be okay through the end of the year (2010), but if his growth this past year is an indication of future growth, I'll be doing some tweaking during the Christmas break.
I didn't mean to ramble about all of that. I couldn't help myself when I read all of your posts with those great details! Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy reading about what others are doing.