
I am introducing myself after a few days of lurking. This board feels like "home" in the fact that I've finally found a community of parents who have children with similar issues as our DS. DS is 9 and just started grade 4(Canada). He has never been assessed but all the way along his teachers have picked up on his abilities and "gifted" and "bright" are terms we've heard more than once. This school year has been the worst start yet. He has always leaned to being on the anxious side but the past couple of weeks he has shown to be highly stressed and anxious to the point where he is unable to do the remedial, back to routine kind of work that's been assigned in class. He thinks, thinks, thinks and overthinks. We are consulting with a psychologist who has a fair amount of experience with gifted children who struggle with anxiety and hoping to develop some skills and strategies for coping.
Looking forward to discussions with other parents in similar situations!