What do you think is better about this program than using Khan academy (free) on Youtube?
Actually, I am waiting for the SM 2 videos to come out from him to use with my twins.

Last I saw they only started with 3A.
We have struggled to find the right upper math program for my DD. I want something I can use consistantly from here forward so we have really been trying to find the "right" thing. It has been a long process but this is the program that she picked. She is drawn to the lectures by Dana Mosley, which was a big surprise and not a program I would have first chosen for her. (Shows you how much I know.) A lot of Prealgebra will be review but I want her to be sure to run through prealgebra with whatever program we think she will continue with so that I am sure of her foundation, being younger and all that jazz. This is available through Calculus. (It helps that she is the oldest of 5 so I can validate some of the cost.)
These programs are marketed as a homeschool program under Chalkdust, but are also put out by Houghton Mifflin/Cengage Learning with the DVD's marketed as instructional support for independent learning of the content with the accompanying textbook and student solutions. They (the DVD's) are only available in current editions to schools and those who homeschool when ordered directly from the publisher. (They are of course available in older editions from sites like amazon.) That gives it a little more weight when being considered by my school district for future credit, and in case my district wishes to see my curriculum, which must "meet or excede" the current PS materials.
I couldn't comment on Khan Academy alone as a program for upper math because it wouldn't meet the criteria of my district as a curriculum. I homeschool as a non public school so that my kids receive auxillary services from the school district, so I have different criteria to meet than someone who just homeschools "under the radar" so to speak in MI.
I just wanted to share an alternative way of purchasing them, since they are $394 plus shipping from Chalkdust.