I wish that this was the case. Originally I had planned to homeschool during the summer (very casual, just a bit in the AM, beach in the afternoons) but 3 days ago I declared that we were all officially on summer vacation because I thought that my head was going to implode.

I did the same thing! This is where I've seen the most growth in him, really. I decided that we would take a break for a week. "No, two weeks. Okay, three, but that's it." Here we are going into August and we're probably not going to get going again for two more weeks.
Since then my DD6 has been cutting up fashion mags obsessively. Fashion magazines!!!! She found a pile for sale at our local library! It's making me crazy but my lips are sealed. She hasn't even been reading, which is very very out of character. Unless you consider the "top ten beauty tips for the fall of 2008" reading. She's 6 did I mention that? She's on some sort of learning/academic strike.
My ds did this same sort of thing right after we stopped schooling at the end of June. He cut paper and crafted for two weeks, and then he moved on to building structures and making several "inventions" per day. He's now made his reentry into the world of books and has been reading a lot this week.
As I watched him cut, paste, color, and glue those first two weeks after we stopped school, and then later move on to the inventions, I realized that he really did
need that time down to do whatever his mind could come up with each day. I could see his elation at being free to create whatever he wanted to create. A lot of learning took place this past month doing seemingly mindless activities. So, it's possible that this is really something that your daughter needs right now. Maybe she'll perk up again in a few weeks.