I have worked at the same school as my DD7 this past year, and previously when she was in pre-k, and am hoping that we will be able to be at the same school again in the future.
We loved going to and from school together everyday as it gave us some "mommy- DD"

time without little sister 2 or Daddy.
However, it was not without it's challenges. For the most part it was fine, since I teach high school and she was in the elementary. But, the issues came when her teacher, did not see me as an advocate for my daughter, but rather as an interferring colleague who should stay out of the elementary division of the school.

(Granted, I think this teacher would have had issues with me even if I didn't work at the school, but being there and having "easy access" was not always seen in a favorable light.) Another issue that could have gotten really bad, but did not end up being anything but a bit of an uncomfortable situation for the adults involved was that one of DD's classmates, and friends had an older sister whom I taught. This older sister and I did not see eye to eye on a couple of things, and I had a few lengthy discussions with the parents, which did not go too well. I was very concerned that their unhappiness with me would spill over into their treatment of my daughter when they were at the school volunteering. However, it didn't come to that. In fact, after they saw me with DD they actually were much nicer to me than they were before they saw me as a mom.
So, overall, I would say it was a great opportunity for us to be at the same school. There were a few times when I would approach someone and start the conversation with "I am here as a mom, not as a colleague" or "I'm here as a colleague and not a mom", and that seemed to help others deal with my dual role.
The situation also depends on whether the school is use to having parents who are also teachers. The reservations I've just mentioned were not at all present when DD was in pre-K. At that school most of the teachers' children attended the school, so there were no issues of some people being uncomfortable working with students' parents.
I would recommend giving it a try, but feel the school out about how common your situation would be.