I had this grand plan of letting each child have one activity to avoid overscheduling them.
My daughter chose dance, and my son chose gym.I think that is where my plan went all wrong

It was nothing when they were 1 hour per week...but now my daughter is in 3 dance classes each week (which will increase as she hopes to join the company in the future).
Sure, I could make them cut down...but they love what they do, and they have such an emotional need for their activities.
My daughter is the epitome of emotional OE, and dance has been a wonderful way for her to express herself. My son (her psychomotor OE equivalent) has such an intense need for movement that I sometimes wonder if he'd be able to focus at school if he didn't spend so much time in the gym. (he can train for 2 hours and then run 2 miles without blinking an eye)
So, here we are, completely overscheduled with only one activity each...but I figure as long as the kids are happy, content with their amount of "down time," and consistently doing great at school we will keep it up.