Wow! You sound like me! On my verbal IQ, I was tested to be at around 120 or 130, maybe even 140, but my visual processing/spacial orientation/non-verbal IQ was at a pitiful 80.

It rounded my IQ to 97, which is in the average range, and I thought that was innacurate. My achievement scores, however, were in the 99th percentile in reading (linguistic genius-chaaaaaa!), with my reading level being 3 grades higher, and my writing 5. And by the way, you seem pretty smart! Even though I cried over my IQ scores, I questioned its validity like you just did! ^^ I, too, am a twice-exceptional person (I have anxiety and probably a visual processing disorder or something else that interferes with the spacial organization, "what shape goes on number five billion?" kind of thing.) ,and you are a highly gifted person, in my opinion. (I was diagnosed with Asperger's, thanks to my ice-queen fifth grade teacher and my habit of reading instead of talking to others and playing with people.) I have had that same experience, only my teachers started talking to me like I was stupid, and the kids I knew said, "Don't say that! She can't help it if she's mentally challenged!" Hang in there! ^^