Gifted Education Professional Development Package.
Although extensive the fact that is broken down into topics and grades makes it easier to select what may be of interest to you. May be of benefit when advocating as it is developed for teacher training and includes concise explanations regarding gifted students and the issues they face in class. Also has learning plans, menus etc.
This is an Australian document and grade equivalents are:
Early childhood = K-2
Primary = 3-6
Secondary = 7-12
This is a six module package covering K12. It covers:
Understanding GiftednessThis module contains the essential information a teacher needs to understand the nature of giftedness and talent; what the terms mean; levels and types of giftedness. It covers the cognitive and affective characteristics of gifted and talented students over the years of schooling and introduces teachers to key concepts.
The Identification of Gifted StudentsThis module covers a range of subjective and objective identification procedures that can be used by teachers and schools. It pays particular attention to procedures which are effective in identifying gifted students from minority and disadvantaged groups and emphasises the use of a combination of approaches rather than a single measure to address differences in student ability and background.
Social and Emotional Development of Gifted StudentsThis module is designed to help teachers understanding the social and emotional characteristics and needs of gifted students and the ways in which gifted students may differ somewhat from their classmates in social-emotional development. It contains advice about supporting gifted students and their parents and covers teaching strategies and class structures which foster the development of positive social attitudes and supportive peer relationships in gifted students.
Underachievement in Gifted StudentsThis module covers the causes of underachievement in gifted students. It provides solutions for teachers to identify gifted underachievers and plan interventions to prevent and reverse cycles of underachievement.
Curriculum Differentiation for Gifted StudentsThis module is perhaps the key module of the Package. Building on the information in the first four modules, this module covers teaching strategies and methods of curriculum differentiation to enhance the learning of gifted students in the mainstream classroom. It covers appropriate use of different, well-known enrichment models that international research has found to be effective with gifted and talented students, such as Bloom, Williams, Maker and Kaplan. It includes practical applications of pre-testing, curriculum compacting and individualised programming for teachers. It also contains templates for teachers to use in re-designing their own curriculum programmes to cover the needs of all students.
Developing Programmes and Provisions for Gifted StudentsThis model covers practical strategies for the establishment and monitoring of ability, achievement or interest grouping in classes, and the many forms of accelerated progression through schooling. Particular attention is paid to the effects of various strategies on students� academic and social development. you plough your way through it you get a gold star!