Hi everyone!
I can't tell you how helpful this community has been so far

I did a search through this forum for "tic" and found that several people have posted about their kids having tics. We are new to this and I have some questions. DS just turned 5 and developed a few tics in the past few weeks:
-sniffing (but this actually goes on year round bc of bad allergies)
-intermittent humming sound
-blinking a lot
-a throat noise from time to time
-mouth stretching which morphed into a gasp sound
-most recently a quick lick of the fingers or hand (yuck!)
He has no diagnosis but is in the HG range I believe and is quirky but not enough to seek an evaluation until the tics arrived. This time of year with allergies is HORRIBLE for him and I feel somewhat strongly there is a connection with the tic onset and allergy season. Doc is on board with increasing his hydroxyzine (antihistamine) and he is also on:
-good multi
-B complex gummy
-"Tic Tamer" which is homeopathic and not really working at all
-Omega 3.6.9 Nordic Naturals
Has had tics now for 2 1/2 weeks
My questions:
1. Is there any connection to tics and gifted kids?
2. Any others have experience with a tic-allergy connection?
3. Anyone have experience with 5yo vaccines and tic onset?
4. Does anyone have any advice for me at this early stage?
5. If I go to a ped neurologist what would they do?
6. If anyone has had success with fish oil did they use a higher dosage than what is recommended on the bottle?
SO sorry this is so long. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANY INPUT!