Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. And the letters were great

! I've actually considered something like that, but am afraid that it would set a precedent for DS. He tends to pick up on these things and all it would take is one time of me telling him that I've informed the teacher he won't be doing something and the flood gates will be opened, LOL.
I loathe reading logs! My DD's reading level is already too high and growing whats the point?
Yep, same here. His reading log is part of the Pizza Hut Book It program, so at the end of a month, he gets a certificate for a free pizza. That lost it's luster in Kindergarten. And it's crazy, but DS will read for an hour sometimes, and I'll tell him he could add that to the reading log, but he won't. It's almost as if he doesn't want to taint his free time by marking it as time spent on homework or something. He'd rather read an additional 30 minutes and then record those. It's weird
