The afterschooling sounds like it's going well. That's good.

I'm glad. How is he liking the Singapore Math? I think that's a good choice, personally.
We're still in okay-land (just okay) ourselves. If anything, I think the teacher is doing less differentiation than she was the first semester. *sigh* But it's only half a day...
We're still seriously considering homeschooling for next year. I volunteered in DS5's class this past week, and once again I was reminded that he's further ahead than I remember him to be. I think I need to volunteer more than once a month, because in the in-between times, I start to doubt. Then I see the class--4 of the kids don't know all their letters yet!--and I wonder how 1st grade can possibly work for him.
Give me a few weeks and the denial will return. <eyeroll at myself>
We are awaiting test scores to make the final decision. More info will at least help me to feel more secure about our choice, whatever it is. I like to have done my research, you know?
BTW, it is possible to homeschool even if both parents work. It's not easy, obviously, and it requires REALLY good child care and a willingness to do a lot of school at odd hours. But it can be done. It might be worth doing a little reading up to see how people who work full time make it work. I always like having a back-up plan, and if homeschooling appeals to you, that might be a back-up plan for you.
Just a thought. Feel free to ignore me!